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Intermediate Pickleball Videos


Many of you have now been playing pickleball for a number of years. You've got the basics and now you're ready to take your game to the next level. We've started compiling pickleball videos to help you improve your skills and better understand strategy of this great game. So get out there, stretch and practice these skills today!

Pickleball 3rd Shot Drop: How To Hit It Perfectly!

The 3rd Shot Drop is considered the most important stroke to master in pickleball and the tool that separates beginners from more advanced players. It’s called the Third Shot Drop because it’s hit by the Serving Team from the baseline after the Serve (1st Shot) and Return of Serve (2nd Shot) and it “drops” into the opponent’s Non-Volley Zone (NVZ) aka Kitchen, like a long dink

How to Hit a 3rd Shot Drop in Pickleball

Learn the secrets of the 3rd shot drop in pickleball! Master the techniques and strategies to outsmart your opponents on the court. Elevate your game now!

Breaking Down Pickleball's 4th Shot: The Most Overlooked, Under-Practiced Shot In Pickleball

Join pickleball coach Athena as she teaches you the evolving dynamics of the third and fourth shots. She explains the newfound aggressiveness of the pickleball third shot and how it changes the approach to the fourth shot. Learn how to handle aggressive drives, ensure volleys stay low, and strategically target your opponent's feet to maintain an edge during every pickleball rally.

How to Let Out Balls Go in Pickleball

Tired of catching those high-flying 'out' balls? I got your back! Tune in to learn how to stop those overhead catches and strategically let them go. Wave goodbye to those out-of-reach balls!

Pickleball Transition Zone: 7 Tips to Fight Your Way To the Net

Learn how to master the pickleball transition zone. Why it's OK to be in the transition zone, how to hit a shot, and why you need to keep control of your feet. Maximize your time in “no man’s land” — and why it’s a myth that you should stay out of the zone. PLUS - Tips & drills to help you become an expert in the transition zone.

Why 90% of Pickleball Players Can't Get Spin

Discover why 90% of players can't effectively use spin, and how you can become part of the elite 10% who can. Spin is a game-changer in pickleball, offering topspin, slice, and sidespin to elevate your game, but mastering it is no small feat. Join us as we explore the reasons behind the struggle and provide you with actionable tips to harness the power of spin in your pickleball game.


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